Saturday, February 20, 2016

It has been so, so long!!

I know it been way too long since I posted a blog but I have really been without a computer to use.  Well that is not entirely true.  I have my daughters computer but it is a Mac and I am not fond of Macs.  I cannot seem to get used to the way the keyboard works and just basic things on it.  Plus all the stuff it does when I am not looking…  Oh my gosh it is a pain.  I love my iPhone and iPad but the computer is just a little bit more than I can handle.  I have always had a PC so I am now on a 2-in-1, tablet and keyboard. It is very nice.

I have been keeping track of all the things I found interesting over the past few months that I have been away.  I will be adding a few at a time so not to overwhelm everyone again.  

I also just found out this tablet has talk-to-text!  Maybe I will let all the voice memos I used to actually write the blog.  Haha! That would be interesting!  

Okay, I am gone for now.  I have to get ready for work.  

Thank you very much for reading my blog!  I am happy to be back!!

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