Sunday, August 21, 2016

Part time job!!!

I have a new (part time for now) job!  I will be working for a passenger train company!  I am super excited.  It is only part time and I am not sure how much taxi driving I will be able to do since the hours I will be working will be in the middle of the day 5 days a week.  I am also looking for another part time job to fill in the rest of the time.

I think I am going to stop blogging for a little bit.  Starting a new job is much more intense than I remember it being.  I have been working very hard learning all the new stuff.  It is fun and exciting and I hope to retain as much new knowledge as I can.  

Thank you all for being faithful readers!  I have loved writing every posted blog, every question asked of me, all the support everyone has given me.  Thank you so much!  You mean the world to me.

Monday, July 11, 2016

I am saddened

I am really not sure how much longer I can be a taxi driver.  I really enjoy driving in San Francisco and meeting all the cool interesting people but I am not making as much money as I was in the past.  In fact the two really big days this past year, I barely made any money.  This is very sad.  I don’t know if it is the cost of living in the city or the competition with Uber and Lyft.  

I haven’t been posting many stories because I am just not picking up that many people.  The few people I do pick up are still wonderful amazing people and I should still tell their stories but it makes it very difficult too when it is so slow.

I really want to continue driving taxi because I love it but if I cannot make any money doing so, I need to find work elsewhere.  I am in the process of looking at other places to work.  That is a big struggle as well.  Fun times in my life.  

Thank you very much for sticking with me.  I know I haven’t been around as much as I really would love to be.

Monday, June 20, 2016

I cried a lot tonight

Last night I had the best night!!  Okay, I did cry at least 3 times after dropping off passengers or with passengers.  It was the night of the best passengers ever!!  My first ride I picked up at the international airport was 3 young adults (1 female and 2 males).  This was their first time in America from Switzerland, and they were super excited.  They were going to be in the US for only 14 days, 3 days in San Francisco, drive down the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway), LA for 3 days, San Diego for 3 days and Vegas for 3 days.  Plus time in between to travel places. On Sunday they were going to Alcatraz, take a hop-on-hop-off bus tour plus a few other things.  I gave them a few more suggestions, like take the California Street Cable Car versus the other ones because there is always a long line to get on the other lines unless you go earlier in the day or later in the night.  I told them we have 4,400 restaurants in the city, with so much variety, I only told them because they seemed to get excited about McD’s.  I also told them about In’N’Out, hope they try the burgers somewhere on their travels.  They were very excited about having “comfort food” while they were here.  I kind of giggled and asked what was their “comfort food”.  They said it was burgers, fries and pizza.  Haha!  I guess it is the same everywhere!  Too funny. One of the guys spotted a much older pickup truck that had been modified and given a “muscle car” feel.  I guess on the guys was an auto mechanic, one a carpenter and the girl was studying to be a nurse.  They were super sweet and I really enjoyed the ride and I gave them my card, just in cast.  They said they enjoyed all the tips I gave them. Great ride!  So much fun!  I hope they find so much to do here in the US and come again, over and over!

My second ride I picked up two girls in the Castro who were visiting San Francisco.  It was there first day here and they wanted to see if they could go to Twin Peaks also if they could get a ride back down.  I let them know I would wait for them while they took a look around. It was a clear and beautiful day outside so they were able to see all the way to across the bay, even the Golden Gate Bridge.  They were so excited and happy they were able to see the city from above so it would put it all in perspective.  While I was waiting for them to finish taking pictures another couple came and asked if I could take them back down the hill. I let them know I had passengers but I would try and get someone.  A sent a message to my taxi buddies but all seemed to be too far away to pick them up, I also called dispatch and I was the only taxi close.  My passengers came back and suggested the other couple take the ride back down the hill with them.  I let the other couple know.  They were very happy and excited to have a ride back down.  On the way, we talked about other places they (both sets of passengers) were planning on going and it warmed my heart to know these young ladies felt good about helping out fellow tourists. It was great chatting with all in the taxi.  The older couple from the top of the hill were here from Belgium and had hiked from Powell Street all the way to the top of Twin Peak.  It took them about 9 hours to walk that far.  Everyone in the taxi was so impressed!  I dropped everyone off on Market Street close to both of their hotels. My original passengers paid for the ride quickly and got out. One of the other passenger tried to give them money but I saw the girls say, no to them.  I love people!!  These young ladies were amazing.  Not everyone would have helped other people out like this.

I stopped on the side of the road to text a taxi friend about something that had happened earlier (just silly work stuff) at the airport and while I wasn’t paying attention, a couple tapped on my window and startled me!  I apologized to them for not being ready but they were okay.  They were here for their 30th Anniversary and they have been coming to SF every year since they got married.  It is their “I love you forever” weekend.  I think that was so sweet.  He held her hand and kissed her cheek every once in awhile.  When we got to the restaurant they have always gone to, he helped her out of the taxi and kissed her. I was so happy to see this!  Made my night.

I picked up a few more people who had just quick little rides but I needed a few minutes break. I stopped off at the Opera House to see if I could find out what time the Opera let out but Bill, the amazing Usher, came out and said if I came back just before 11:30 I could come in and see a little bit of the end.  Don Carlo is there.  I don’t know what the opera is about but I love to see the little bit at the end.  I finished texting a few people and I took off to go to the Castro but I was stopped at a restaurant just past the Opera House.

Picking up 4 people in captain hats. They were going to see a group that wears captain hats and mustaches on stage.  They were here here on a Friend’s Weekend.  Two were married but then there was 2 other ladies.  They asked me where I came from only to find out one lady came from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan and another from Chicago.  It is always great to meet others from Michigan. We talked about how awesome we think California is and happy we are here but miss the seasons.  They noticed that City Hall was very colorfully lit in preparation for Pride Week.  The girls started talking about times they came to Pride.  So funny!  Then one of the girls said a coworker pulled her aside and said he was not sure how to treat another coworker who had just come out.  The girl said treat them the same as you treat me.  Apparently he didn’t know she was a lesbian.  He also omitted to her that his son had just come out to him and his wife. He talked to my passenger for a long time.  I guess it changed how he felt about his son coming out.  He thanked her the next time he saw her.  Their conversation changed how he felt about his son coming out.  This moved me so much!  With all the sadness that is happening in the world right now, it is great to hear stories about people doing good.  I tried to tell them the ride was free since their conversation moved me so much but they wouldn’t hear it.  They even gave me a very good tip on top of the cost of the ride.  I had to drive away quickly because I started to cry.  I am so impressed with my passenger’s hearts.

I had to sit in front of a hotel for about 10 minutes crying my eyes out.  There went all the makeup I had on.  Hahaha.  I guess it was time for a good cry.  At about the time I was done, someone tapped on my window.  They needed a ride to their hotel.  I was again startled but was happy to give them a ride.  I apologized for not being prepared for them but they seemed to be okay.  Chatting with them only to find out they are here visiting and having a great time.  They were surprised to find out that there was so many cool things to do in San Francisco and their driver (me) could suggest awesome things for them to do.  Great couple and great conversation.

My night couldn’t go any better, right…  Well, you would be wrong, it got better and better.  Plus I cried a couple of more times.

The next amazing passenger I had was a guy who was in the Castro with friends visiting the memorial for the Orlando shooting victims that has popped up.  We started talking about how horrible it was. It was such a shame that happened. We talked about how hard this tragedy is to get over. It is so senseless.  As soon as I dropped him off, I cried a little bit more.  

Driving through the Castro a little bit later and I picked up a lady who was out with her friends.  My passenger got into the taxi and really sobbed.  I asked if everything was alright.  She said that she had just broken up with her partner.  I am happy we have tissue in the taxi for these nights.  She really was in love with her partner and didn’t want to break up with her.  It happened about 2 weeks ago and the partner had to move back in because of the cost to live in San Francisco.  She was a beautiful lady and I hope everything works out for her. I cried and we hugged as she left the taxi.  I really hope all works out for her.

Tonight there was a major 5 alarm fire in the Mission District.  45 people were displaced from their homes but no one lost their lives.  Many neighborhood business were lost as well.  This is not what San Francisco needs right now.  There are no places for anyone to go that are reasonably priced.  I am sending good thought and prayers to all those who were affected by this fire.  I am hoping the city of San Francisco helps all of these families and business out.

Driving around the Mission was a little different tonight with Mission Street being closed for about 6 blocks.  I was lucky to have understanding passengers plus driving past all the blocked streets and seeing all the firetrucks.  

Thank you very much for reading my blog!  I love knowing others enjoy reading it as much as I like to write it.  Thank you again.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Just wow! Why?

Passengers of hell night!  My first passenger I picked up from the airport he had an extremely heavy bag, happy he helped me put it into the back of the taxi.  When he got into the taxi, he said Marriott.  Just Marriott, when I asked which Marriott since there are 7 in the city and much more in the surrounding area, he said Marriott Union Square after looking at his paperwork.  He then asked me if I knew where that was.  Okay, that I can do.  On the way I start doing my normal chit chat but he doesn’t seem to want to talk but he did answer a few questions.  My normal questions, is he here for work or pleasure?  Just work.  Had he been to San Francisco before?  Yes.  He then received a phone call.  He started out okay talking to the person on the other end (in Spanish?  Portuguese?)  then started YELLING, almost screaming into the phone.  He did this most of the ride the other times he would stare at me or look out the window and sing along with the music of the radio.  This is one time, I would have loved to know a different language.  We got to his hotel and he gave me a .70¢ tip. Nice.  

I picked up a great guy on Sutter who looks like George Lucas!  I didn’t mention this but I have picked him up before and thought the same thing.  His plans for the weekend were to go to the ocean and drink a large chocolate shake.  Interesting combination.  I hope he has a wonderful time!  We also talked about driving up the cool hills in the city.  I said that is what I do when I am stressed in the city is to drive up or down the steep streets in the city.  They are great stress relievers.  All of your concentration goes into making sure you don’t go too fast or too slow.  So much fun!

Went back to the airport and played frisbee with a few other drivers!  It was so much fun and I was hot and sweaty after that.  

I struggled to get my meter to turn on.  It happens often in the airport because we are under a lot of concrete.  I made it all the way to pick up the passenger and my meter still wouldn’t turn on.  I was very frustrated but I let the passenger know I was having troubles with the meter.  He said, well I guess the ride is free.  I said, sorry I cannot really afford to do that but the ride is about $48 to his destination.  I was able to get the meter to go a few minutes outside of the airport.  He did ask why Uber wasn’t allowed at the airport, I let him know that Uber was allowed at the airport.  The ride on the meter ended up being about $38 and he tipped nicely but not to make up for what the ride should have been.  He was dropped off in front of a very expensive home.  Guess he needs the money more than I did.  

After dropping the wanting a ride for free guy, I was flagged by an older lady with cute yellow pants.  She said she forgot her money and wanted me to take her home so she could get her money.  I said no problem but could she please leave me something when she goes inside to get her money.  She at first she said, no problem but the closer we got to she asked why I didn’t trust her.  That makes me trust a person even more.  At her home she said, I am afraid to leave anything for you because you will leave with them.  I said, here is my business card, I will not leave without you.  She said, I don’t want your business card, we don’t trust each other.  That is not good.  That is what I thought.  She goes inside, leaving the passenger back door open with her purse on the seat.  She comes back a few minutes later and says “why the meter still on?  You are cheating me”.  I said, I am still working and the meter is on because I am waiting for you.  She said, she wanted to go to Geary but she was going to walk and not take a cheating non trusting taxi driver.  I still said, I hoped she had a great night.  I can understand why she thought I may be cheating her but I had to wait for her, that is money I am losing if my meter is not on.  At this time it is only charging for time, not miles.  

I really needed to change my night.  Too many cranky people making me feel bad about myself.  I just needed a great passenger to change I feel and the rest of the night went SO much better!  Thankfully!

Picking up in the Tenderloin is always scary, but I was flagged by the police station on Turk and Jones.  He got into my taxi and said he was happy to get out of work.  I asked him what kind of work he did, he said he was a police officer.  I said, YEAH!  He said, yay.  I said, no you need to say YEAH!  You do important work.  He agreed and kind of laughed at me.  He has been a police officer for about 15 years and works mostly in a car driving around the Tenderloin.  He was fun to chat with for his ride home.  I drove like I normally do, well maybe a little bit better.  We got to his home and he suggested that I pull into the open space.  I let him know that another policeman just yelled at me for double parking but I had not seen the open space that was about 4 cars ahead of me.  I did pull over as far as I could (the other time) to get out of the way.  He said, he tells the Ubers to move all the time but rarely has to tell a taxi, since they drop off quickly.  I hope I can pick him up again sometime!  He was fun to chat with.  No, we didn’t talk about police stuff the whole time.  

Thank you very much for reading my blog!  Hope you have enjoyed it.  

HOT weekend and cranky people

This past week has been very strange, almost like it was a full moon Friday EVERY night.  So crazy!  Not that what I saw was crazy but the people in my taxi were crazy.  Plus it was very warm (85°/29°), for San Francisco, during the day but super cold (60°/15°) at night.  It brings a lot of people who are not normally in the city to the city but they forget to wear their layers.  Always amusing.  Just a suggestion if you go to San Francisco make sure you wear or bring layers.  It gets cold here without warning.

Friday night was my worse night for cranky passengers. 4 out of my first 5 rides, I just really didn’t know what was going on. I started off at the airport, like normal.  The airport was moving okay for a Friday night, it took me about 1 ½ hours to go through.  Not bad.

Picked up 3 kids who were visiting the US from Italy.  They were all super sweet and asked many questions of places to go in San Francisco.  The place that they had rented for their stay in on States Street. States Street is the longest block (no interruptions) in San Francisco. They were planning on being here for 7 full days!  Very exciting.  They already had their tickets to Alcatraz and a city tour. They were excited to try all the 4,400 restaurants in the city, except the ones in the Italian District, haha.  They also came with a total group of 6 and a ton of luggage so they had to take 2 taxis.  I don’t want to brag but going the speed limit, I still beat the other taxi.   

Picked up a guy tonight who floats between Uber and taxis.  He likes to take a taxi when he is in a hurry or on a time limit for where he needs to go. He takes an Uber when he doesn’t care how long it takes to get someplace or what directions they take.  I don’t understand this.  He can take a ride that will cost less in a taxi because they will take the shorter route but he will take an Uber because they are cheaper…  Really?  How is it cheaper?  When did your time become less than what something is actually worth?  Are these the same people who drive all around looking for that $1 deal?  I know that I will not drive all over the city just to save $1, my time is worth more than that.

Saw people with lightsabers and Star Wars stuff on!  So cool.  There is a place in SF that caters to the Furry/Cosplay Community. You never know what you are going to see in that area!  

Watched 2 couples walking down the street.  They were all dressed up, guys wearing suits and girls wearing nice dresses.  I couldn’t figure out why the girls had black feet and the guys were carrying heeled shoes.  I got a little closer to the couples and the girls had on black socks!!!  Black socks!  Those guys are such gentlemen!  They were sockless and carrying the girls shoes.  Wish more would do things like that!  Priceless.

Thank you very much for reading my blog!  I really enjoy sharing my “stories” with you!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Trouble with Routes

I actually started on time today!  I was so excited to start work today since it could be a great night.  It is a Thursday before a long holiday (we get a lot of tourist come to see our amazing city over long weekends), the Warriors are playing at home for the semi finals, Hillary Clinton is in the city and I am feeling well rested and eager to pick up amazing people!

Tonight started with the airport, like always.  My first ride was a short but my passenger made the ride awesome.  He was here to put in new exercise equipment at the Ritz.  He said it was more updated computer system that will track your progress no matter where you are.  Very cool.  We also talked about how he moved into a new place and was suppose to built a shelving unit he bought at IKEA but the shelves were not the correct size for where he needed to put them.  He was all excited about buying a router and wood to make his own shelves.  I asked if he had actually made shelves before and he said no but he couldn’t wait to try.  That really inspired me to use the knowledge I received at HD to create something soon.  Maybe on Sunday, since I have the day off.  

After dropping him off I quickly went back to the airport for the short (a ride than can take me back to the airport in less than 30 minutes).  I picked up a mother and daughter who were coming just for the weekend to SF.  Mom had been but daughter had not yet.  The daughter was excited to see SF but was really interested in what was going on with her friends back home (her Mom asked).  I asked what their plans were for the weekend and Mom said they were not going to do the normal “tourist” things except the Golden Gate Bridge, Muir Woods, shopping and maybe the cable cars.  I suggested the cable car on California Street since it really isn’t a “tourist” cable car and it pretty awesome ride at night with the lights.  I also let them know about the whales that have been spotted in the Bay over the past few weeks so they might still want to go to Fisherman’s Wharf/Pier 39 area.  Hope they enjoy themselves and find a lot to do so they come back again and again.

I picked up 4 people from the hotel I dropped of the mother and daughter.  The people were not going really that far but with the one way roads and traffic it took a bit of time.  They were okay with both.  Actually they told me about a time they were with their boss and he flag a taxi to take them about 100 feet.  They taxi driver almost laughed at them but took them anyway.  They all laughed and asked if I have done that.  I said, yes I have but most of the time it is up a hill.  I let them know I didn’t mind.  Happy their other taxi driver didn’t mind either.  Also the lady with the Chewbacca mask came up as well.  It was so funny!  Only about half of the passengers knew what he was talking about.  Last week I had a passenger say I looked kind of like that Chewbacca lady.  I took it as a compliment.  She seems happy and extremely friendly.

I dropped off a passenger at 14th and Anza so I thought I would stop off at the California Academy of Science.  On Thursday nights they have adult nights, so adults can enjoy the museum without children in site as well service alcohol.  I heard it is an amazing night.  I got a little turned around when finding the museum and came “at it” from a different way than I expected.  That should have been okay but I sat there surrounded by people who were looking for their Uber/Lyfts.  What I saw just made me wonder what these young people are thinking.  Most waited and waited for their car to come (at least 6-10 taxis waited there as well) then had to ask 3-5 cars if this was their car.  Crazy!  I even watched a couple ask 3 cars if it was their car in about 5 minutes, waited on the steps for another 10 minutes then run and check another 5 cars finally finding their car.  Does this sound like something smart?  I don’t think so.  How is that more convenient?  I don’t know and I don’t get it.  

I did get a ride out of the California Academy of Science but it took about 30 minutes of wait outside.  When I did get a ride I made it out of Golden Gate Park with no problem but didn’t turn right just after leaving the park.  I knew as soon as I crossed Fulton I was going the wrong way.  I apologized to the passenger and turned off the meter until we got back to the correct route.  He said, his Lyft driver earlier got so lost in Golden Gate Park, it took him 30 minutes just to figure out how to get to the right place!  His ride wasn’t even 30 minutes away from the museum.  I did feel bad but he seemed okay with it.  

My next passenger was a guy I have picked up before, according to him.  Nothing we talked about made me remember him, I hate when that happens.  We get almost to his place and for some reason I wasn’t sure where I was going again.  Lucky I was in the right area and it all worked out.  

Happy I spent the rest of the night, not thinking about where I was going, not having any problems with rides.  Sometimes if I think of a route, I cannot imagine where I am suppose to go but if I just go on instinct it is really easy.  I guess I just need to have a little bit more faith on my knowledge.

Thank you again for reading my blog!  Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing and living it!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Late start

I have been starting late or not working at all on Wednesdays because of a family matter.  I love to spend as much time as I can with family but this has been a stressful time.

Today I went straight to the airport, picked up a lady who didn’t seem happy at all.  I tried to chit chat a bit but her answers were short and sweet so I left her alone.  I just let her know about a change of routes because of high traffic.  I was polite when she was finishing with paying me and wished her a wonderful trip and flight home.

Not much else was happening in the city tonight. The San Jose Sharks are now in the Stanley Cup playoffs.  They have never made it this far and I am very excited for them!  Even though I am a Detroit Red Wings fan.  Golden State Warriors are also in the playoffs, so it is a very exciting time in our area!  The Warriors have to win tonight and the next 2(?) games in order to go to the finals.  Hope they do!  I also hope the Sharks win Lord Stanley’s Cup.

Well, I need to go to bed now!  Thanks again for reading my blog.  I hope this weekend there are fun things to report!  I may have to finish writing about past days of excitement, haha.  Well, I should still do that, soon.