Monday, May 2, 2016

Depression again

I haven’t written in a while because I have been very depressed.  Life here is wonderful and I am trying to do things to help me get out of this depression.  I am eating a little bit better, trying to get out of the house a little bit more and thinking about the positive things in my life.  I have an outward appearance of being happy but inside I am very sad and really just want to sleep and stay in bed.  I am even struggling with writing this blog post, which I love doing.  I love my job and I love to share things with you but when I feel like this, I just do not have the “time” to write my blog.  It makes me sad and the depression keeps coming back no matter what I do.  Such a horrible cycle.  Summer is coming so the tourists will be here and I will be busy again.  That normally helps with the depression.  I am still keeping track of things that happen to be during my nights via voice memo on my phone.  Much easier than trying to remember them after I get home and I am super tired.  

So I am doing what I can to survive and make every day count but it is tough.  I know it will be over soon.  Summer is coming.

Thank you again for reading my blog.

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