I fear I hurt a (maybe homeless) man’s feelings last night! I need to stop asking questions when I know I really should not. Well I often go to a Jack in the Box after work late at night and there is a very nice man (not sure if he is homeless but he is outside all the time) who stands outside of Jack in the Box with a cup. He is not aggressive or pushy, he always has a smile and is always polite when you give him money. Last night I asked the guy at Jack in the Box (he is a very nice guy and always offers me extra things… Yep, I go WAY too often!) what the guy does with his money. I didn’t mean it in a bad way, I just meant it in a “does he spend it at Jack in the Box” way. The “homeless” guy is always nice looking and I am not sure if he is on drugs but I don’t think so. I tried to give him money after asking but he asked me “do you have an issue”. I said no and tried to give him money but he wouldn’t take it. I felt so bad. I didn’t think that through but who does when you have been awake for more than you really should be. Should I go and apologize to him? Should I try and give him money the next time I see him? I am not sure what I should do.
My first ride of the night was a pick up at the airport and two very nice ladies here visiting from Florida. They were very nice but name and brand droppers. Fun ladies…. When I was putting their suitcases in the taxi one of their suitcases “bit” my index finger! Oh, it hurt very bad and bled for quite a long time after. It hurts really, really bad this morning but I will be okay.
Picking up people you never know who you are going to get. Last night I picked up the very drunk construction worker, complete with a hardhat. He gave me cross streets but I had never heard of both of them but I knew it was in Hunter’s Point area. I was a little nervous but the guy was very nice. He kept giving me money for the ride. He started asking me questions about my life, like we were on a date. I answered very vaguely but he kept asking. When I dropped him off he gave me his business card and asked me to call him sometime because he wanted to get to know me even better. I didn’t know what to say. I thanked him and happy he was out of my taxi and I was away quickly. Hunter’s Point is not the best area in the city and not a good place for a taxi driver to be in at 1:00 am. I drove quickly out of the area and into normal areas of the city without incident or even seeing anyone!
Is it bad that I roll down the window and turn off all noise in the taxi to see what people on the side of the road are yelling about? Typically they are homeless people talking to themselves but sometimes it is very interesting. It does not always make sense but interesting.
Driving along Market St there is a SHEK shoe store and last night there was a long, long line of people waiting outside. It was kind of like when a new and exciting phone or a new amazing video game comes out, kind of line. So what was the new and exciting shoe to come out?
I had a wonderful fun lady in my taxi who needed to go to CalTrain, we had a wonderful conversation but when I was dropping her off a young lady approached my taxi before the lady inside was done paying. It happens often but I watched the young lady huff then say “what, you are not going to pick me up”. I finished up with the lady in the taxi and as she was getting out she asked if the young lady wanted to get into the taxi. The young lady said “of course, duh” and pushed her way into the taxi. Very rude young lady. She gave me an address and I asked her what the cross streets were and she said that I should know where it is. I put her address in my gps and off we went. I asked if the freeway was okay, she said, I have no idea. Okay… Got to her address and had to back up because I went 20 feet too far. She paid with a credit card and gave me a 4 cent tip. Nice… Then she asked me to wait until she got inside but I didn’t. I know that was mean of me and didn’t make sense but the lady pissed me off. I do not like entitled people. She was very, very rude.
There was a man standing on the side of the street, just standing stiff and doing the Nazi salute. Why? I have no idea at all!
There is a Zero Vision in San Francisco trying to keep the pedestrians safe. Market Street is a very busy street with both pedestrians and cars. When you have that many of both sometimes there are problems so SF is trying to make things a little bit better by making less car traffic on Market Street. Now you cannot turn onto Market Street from 3rd Street to 8th Street. If you are already on Market Street before 3rd St you can stay on Market Street. If you are on Market Street before 8th Street you actually will be forced off at 10th Street. Just the way it is. For the most part this is a great idea, there is less car traffic because the only ones who can turn onto Market Street are buses, taxis, bicycles and commercial vehicles. The police have started to ticket and force cars to go the correct way but only when there is a lot of traffic not all night long. Actually now they need to start working on the jaywalkers. People cross when they want and how they want all over the city. In the rain, they often will cross the street in dark clothing. You cannot see them at all. My guess is they have headphones in so they cannot hear you as well. Maybe they will work on them next? Who knows.
Last night a very nice young lady and a cute guy got into my taxi and the first thing he said was “I have never had a female taxi driver”. She said she had a female “jitni” taxi driver before. I had never heard of a jitni taxi before. Apparently it is a ‘hood taxi”, the person driving is just someone from the neighborhood who picks up people to take them where they need to go. There is no metered rate so the passenger asks what the flat rate is or they barter for the cost. This is crazy! I said, just like getting into a Uber. She said yes but less scary! She says most drivers you know or live where you live so there typically is no problems. She would never take an Uber because of the horrible things that are said about them.
Okay, now it is time to get ready for work. So much fun… Hoping tonight is amazing and fun! Time to go and shower…
Thank you very much for reading my blog! I love you very much!
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