Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tips for taking a taxi

I have a few tips for taking a taxi, well, taking my taxi.  I cannot speak for everyone, just for me.

1. When you hail my taxi, it is awesome if you do not wait until I am almost past you to raise your hand so I do not have to slam on my brakes or cut people off to get to you.  Makes things easier and safer for everyone.  

2. If you need to say goodbye to someone waiting for you, do it before you hail a taxi.  I understand you need to say goodbye but sometimes it takes more than a few minutes.  Hail a taxi after you say your long good bye and maybe a quick goodbye after you hail that taxi.

3. Say hello and give me a cross street or place you want to go.  I know where most cross streets in the city but not addresses.  If you do not know, I can and will gps it, so we do not go the wrong way.

4. If you have a prefered way to get to your address please tell me, feel free to be my backseat driver!  Or if you are only kind of sure, ask which way I am planning on going and let me know if it is okay with you.

5. Talking, it is okay with me if you do not feel like chatting.  If you do feel like chatting, I love to talk too!

6. At the very least, pay attention to the route we are taking, sometimes I mess up.  I am human and sometimes go the wrong way.  I am okay with you letting me know I am going the wrong way.  

7. If you are going to get really wasted, please make sure you have something with your current address on it.  It will make me taking you to your home so much easier!  I have no problems picking up someone who is black out drunk as long as you know where you live.

8. If you sit in my front seat, please put the seat back to where you found it or at least move it forward a little bit.  There is a reason why the front seat is pushed up as far as it can go, so when someone gets into the back seat, it is easier to get in and out of.  Often I have to stop after someone sits in the front seat and fix the seat.  I am not unhappy or mad about it but it would be nice if someone did fix it.

9. Tipping would be awesome.  Not sure everyone knows we live on tips just like hairdressers, waiters and bartenders.  Tips are the same percentage as they are in a restaurant, depending on service.  

10. Thank you again for riding in my taxi.  It is always a pleasure to take you to your destination.

Okay, not too many and not too hard to follow.  Right???  Did I forget something?  Hope not.

Thanks again for reading my blog!  I love you very much?

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