Well, not really but a cap (crown, I don’t know which it is) fell out. It is my canine tooth so it is visible. I am not comfortable showing my missing tooth. I never was comfortable showing a yucky front tooth as well but a wonderful dentist fixed it. This cap has been re-put a few times so I will have to get a implant. That costs a lot of money that I do not have right now. I have thought about doing a “crowd sourcing” kind of thing but I am not sure how to do that or if it is even what I could do. RIP smile for now.
This past week has been pretty AMAZING for rides. I have had 2 rides to Marin, one from the airport and one from the city. The ride from the airport was a fun ride! We chatted and talked about family, kids and schools. I love it when you connect with a passenger. When we were close to his house, I thought I had driven him in the past but we drove right by the area where I had driven that passenger. It was okay. Got to his home and you could see San Quentin from his street! Well it was across the Bay. Awesome view. The other ride to Marin was a pickup at the ballpark to 29th and Balbo to Marin. I picked up two guys and a female. They chatted all the way to the first stop about kids and family stuff, it was interesting and fun to listen to their stories. After I dropped off one male and one female only a guy was left. We started to chat about a few things, mostly universities he and his friends went too. Then the subjects changed almost too quickly for me to keep up! He then started to chat about all different kinds of things that really didn’t make sense. I didn’t know what had happened! I tried to keep up but I he kept talking and changing the subject all on his own. I was so relieved to drop him off! Back to the city with no problems.
I saw another shooting star! I love when that happens! I was on my way home and saw it just drop down! I wished as soon as I exclaimed “beautiful!” I don’t think I have this many shooting stars in the city! I am always looking up at the sky when I can. The moon has been amazing lately too! Love full moons.
I picked up a lady at SFO and she needed to get to the Oakland Children's hospital as quickly as possible but she arrived during rush hour. What could have taken around 30 minutes took us over an hour! Her daughter had broken her ankle and was going in for surgery while the mother was on the way to the hospital. I felt so bad being in so much traffic but she understood. I really wanted to chat with her to take her mind off of not being there but she was nice in answering but she seemed like she really didn’t want to talk so I would just say a little bit at a time. Hope he daughter’s surgery went okay! She was in good hands. The mom gave me an awesome $23 tip too! I guess I did a good job.
Next after crossing the bridge I turned onto Howard St and was flagged! He wanted to go to the airport! Nice ride and wonderful conversation! So much fun! His kids are 10 years apart and my kids are 13 years apart. It is great to chat with someone else with the same kinds of issues to deal with.
Didn’t stay at the airport since reports were the airport was really slow so I went back into town and was flagged right away again! The young guy had bright pink and yellow long hair with glowing pink earings in! He was really nice and was going to a work bar crawl in the Mission/Castro area. According to him his company does quarterly bar crawls with 50 to 200 people joining in! Sounded like a blast! Oh and this guy… Apparently has been a hacker since he was 3! He never was taught how to code but learned all on his own, building his own computers out of spare parts and not being able to touch a computer at school. Not sure what or any of it is true but you have to believe the passenger, right?
Crossing the street and I was flagged again!! I LOVE nights like these, when it is one flag after another! I took them to the Haight District. Wonderful nice couple.
Driving down Haight St, I never get flagged. Well, not ever, I guess. I was flagged by a lady and an older man. She at first wanted to go to CalTrain but then asked how much to Menlo Park. I said it is meter and a half, about $139. She wanted to know if I would take her for a deal of $60. I said that is way less than meter and a half but I would do it for straight meter or about $89. She was okay with that. We chatted all the way to Menlo Park, she and her father moved here from Tibet about 20 years ago. Her dad, chanted almost all the way there, it was interesting to hear. They were leaving in the morning to go to a “rich” 2nd cousins Tibetan wedding. She wasn’t sure what color the bride was going to wear (not red, like I thought. That is saved for special ceremonies. I didn’t know!).
Love it when my night ends on a note like that! I went home for a few minutes and then went in to turn my taxi in for the night.
I was taking a very nice couple to the theater and we passed a guy on Hyde Street with his penis all out of his pants! He then started to pee on cars as they passed by! Happy I was already driving far enough away from him to not be peed on. I saw him move into the street to pee on cars too! The crazy things I see in the city. Needless to say the couple in the back seat were a little amused about the man. Not really amused but they were not surprised to see it.
Where is the most creative place you have been to a wedding? I picked up people who went to a wedding in the Asian Art Museum. So cool! They were able to walk around most of the museum as well after the ceremony. I would really love that! The Asian Art Museum is on my list of things still to do in San Francisco.
I was dropping a very nice young man off at a gas station in the Mission and just after he got out I was locking doors and turning off my light, all of a sudden an older gentleman came up close to my front passenger door and looked deeply into the taxi! As soon as he saw me, he looked very startled almost like he wanted to say something then walked away quickly. That was a little creepy.
Is there a game that men play with a dropped and spinning coins? A group of men at the airport were “playing” this game. They seemed to be very interested and having a blast playing it.
You could really tell it was a full moon in the city this past weekend. Driving around the city, you almost took your life into your own hands! It was crazy! I tried not to be involved in with it at all but I seemed to be in the middle of it more than I like to be. I kept a cool head. I was being cut off for rides, when I was turning they turned on the inside of my turn so they could get around me (I was waiting for people to cross the street), stopping in the middle of the road for no reason or swerving into my lane as I went by. Happy when I went to taxi school, I was taught to see more than just what is in front of me! I am always on the look out for people behaving badly.
Thank you very much for all of your patience and also for reading! I love you very much! See you soon!
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