Friday, July 31, 2015

Thursdays are so slow

I am not a fan of working Thursdays.  They are typically slow and not fun at all.  Nothing really exciting happened.  Even my ride to the airport was uneventful.  I much prefer a busy, busy night but they cannot all be exciting and fun.  I am hoping the weather will be good this weekend so people will want to go out and do things.  We were suppose to have a heat wave, starting Tuesday, get worse on Wednesday and cool down a little bit on Thursday and Friday with a nice weekend.  As normal in San Francisco the weather doesn’t follow what is predicted.  The past few days haven’t been very warm but they are still nice.  Karl the Fog came in pretty early last night, at about 5:00 pm, makes people not want to go out as much at night.

Thank you again for reading my blog!  I know some days are not very exciting but I do love my job!  Well, it is off to bed for me.

As always, I love you very much!  Thank you again for reading my blog!  I love reading the comments made too!  Thank you so much!

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